Christmas days went by in a different mood, ME trying to create as much christmas feeling as possible despite heeps of work and never ending household duties. Yes, we managed to bake anyway and yes, we actually got last minute presents ready in time. But it was different.
So No3 and ME decided to surprise MY MOTHER and visit her right after christmas weekend.
So the next morning we split: SHE took off to meet friends in the mountains for skiing, HE waited for his father to pick him up to go skiing over new years and No3 and ME took a plane to Hamburg. Its nice to have time for just one of the THREE TEENAGERS even though I always feel much better when we are all together and everybody back home happy and healthy.
No3 and ME surprised MY MOTHER where she stayed to recover from her illness and sure enough made her very happy. We had a nice diner together and picked MY MOTHER up the next morning to bring her home.
The next days we spent running errands, watching MY MOTHER to decide whether she could manage on her own or not, and just beeing together. No3 likes to pace through my old hometown which was still in full christmas spirit with market and all. The last day No3 and ME went to the beach which was all covered in snow and No3 admired the frozen sea. 

For me always a very special moment no matter what the weather is. Living far away from the sea in a land that has no beaches and where the view always meets boarders is sometimes hard. I miss to let the eyes wander over the horizon, getting lost in nothing and eternity, where the sealevel meets the sky. Doing so charges my batteries for the weeks to come where I have to function without.
No3 shares my view of nature and I love to watch her explore the wonders I discovered when I was her age.
Then it was time to say goodbye, take the train to Hamburg, stay with friends because our plane back home was leaving very early morning. Such a different world, home or whatever it is that makes me love the north so much.
We made it okay back to what is home right now, No3 unpacked and repacked and we took another train deep down into the mountains to meet her father. No3 wanted to spent new years with him too like HE did and I went home alone. Got there quite late, had some diner and watched the new year arrival with hundreds of thousands other people on the lake. Fireworks in a foggy sky and still you could see the other shore. Not like the sea. Boundaries. Time to set the mind free and let the thoughts wander to the point where sealevel meets the sky. Endless possibilities. Happy new year.