Samstag, 28. August 2010
MY day 15
Freitag, 27. August 2010
Donnerstag, 26. August 2010
FOUR TEEN already!
Couldn't sleep. It's not the wiggeling No3 I'm sharing a double bed with in our incredible Tucson estate (thank you, stranger! We never got to meet you but you must be one heck of a generous guy!). Nor is it the heat I try to thwart by waving with kitchen door, opening screened windows (Arizona mosquitos are mean!) and NOT touching the aircondition (last time I obviously turned on the de-humidifyer - know the swamp-feeling? There you go...). It's actually worries. We are pretty close to the Mexican boarder and whatever stupid war over drugs and weapons is going on over there, affects the security on this side of the boarder too. News are not reassuring either (its gotten worse, since we're back). So I have no idea wich road to take to California. San Diego is the destination we're heading to and we have a wonderful opportunity for accomodation there, so we want to stay south.
Mittwoch, 25. August 2010
Lucky 13
Dienstag, 24. August 2010
Desert 12
What a night. Wonderful! The Three Teenagers and ME slept like rocks in the desert. Nice and long. The Three Teenagers inhale a huge breakfast and off we go to the pool, which is situated right in the middle of this housing estate. As a matter of fact its The Three Teenagers, ME and two YOUNGSTERS, completing the numerological rhythmic team (age girl 15, boy 13, girl 11, boy 9 and girl 7). ME always wanted a dozen kids, now I get a glimpse of what it would have been like, hadn't I stopped...
Montag, 23. August 2010
Day ELEVEN: First Time
Travelling the United States for the past 29 years again and again I have quite a history of states and cities I've been to. But ME never made it to Arizona yet. Waking up this morning in the very comfortable Red Lion beds in Denver after only some 5 h of sleep is a cruel thing, but The Three Teenagers and ME really have something to look forward to. Wakingupbrushteethhaveacoffeeandsomewatergrabthingsandleavehotel - this time in only some 45 minutes because The Three Teenagers and ME do not have our luggage sure enough. It was checked through to Tucson already. The shuttlebus-drive back to the airport at 6 o'clock in the morning gives us a very short idea of what Colorado might be. We see mountains in the distance, the first since we left switzerland eleven days ago. Everything looks nice and tidy and clean. Approaching the airport reveals a very special designed roof
TEN four! TEN four! In the air tonight....
Due to internet problems last night day TEN is delayed. And so was our flight... But lets keep it in chronological order.
Samstag, 21. August 2010
Day 9: HOUSTON, we have a problem.....
Freitag, 20. August 2010
EIGHT days a week.....
Donnerstag, 19. August 2010
Mittwoch, 18. August 2010
SIX pack
Dienstag, 17. August 2010
FIVE we take
More Chicago on the programm today, another trip downtown. This time its the do-we-really-have-to-yes-you-do thing: Art Institute of Chicago.
The Search for Alexander | May 16-Sept.7, 1981 |
Montag, 16. August 2010
Chicago FOUR ever
Sonntag, 15. August 2010
Day three is supposed to be that day during any travel, when you finally adjust and feel that you arrived. The Three Teenagers do that with sleeping in incredibly late. Whenever they do so they wake up having grown a few inches. If you freeze them at night that might slow down the growing process - is that, why airconditions are so incredibly COLD all over the United States? It uses up so much energy, everybody is complaining. Somebody should sum up how much energy could be saved, if everybody turns up the thermometer only 5F! Its probably a six figure sum that could be saved every single airconditioned day in America.
Samstag, 14. August 2010
TWOsome in Chicago part two
After a very american breakfast (will they EVER be int
roduced to real good coffee taste? This one is su
pposed to be very good, strong starbucks competitor, b
ut hey, it doesn't really deserve the name COFFEE...) with lots of cereal and some fruit we ta
ke off from this real nice subu
rb heading downtown. I
remeber very good when those years ago the skyline of Chicago came in sight. A beautiful
sight - how will The Three Teenagers react? We
ll, they've seen other impressive
things in their lives, a skyline doesn't hit the fan in t
he 21 century....
But driving through the city does. You know this street
where you drive underneath t
he train viadukt? Was scenerie for various movies and The Three Teenagers are thrilled
to recognize it (where The Blues Brothers get bombed at in front of a hotel?). We leave the car in a parking garage
and walk. And walk. And walk. Magnificent Mile, actually Michigan Av. Park. Finally o
ur sightseeing point N01: Navy Pier. Used to be en enlarged wharf type thing with some
food stands. Now turned into a tourist attraction amusement
park type thing. I remember Chcago Fest, music for almost two weeks non stop along tha
t long navy pier, I even got to see Frank Sinatra there (yes, it HAS been that long ago...). W
e have lunch there (mexican) and take a Chicago Water Taxi to sightseeing point No2: Sears Tower, mind me, changed into
Willis Tower now. On the way we pass a filmset fo
r "Transformers 3" (watch the trailer from Chicago, we were there!).
Going up Sears/Willi's used to be walking into the hallway, enter an elevator and go up t
o the plattform. It now has its own entrance, cost a fortune and leads you through a history tour, then the elevator a
nd up to a souvenir shop with windows to look down on Chicago. Still the most
wonderful view on the Lake Michican I can ever imagine. The architects added a new gadet: drive out glas cubes
You actually stand 103 stories (ap 400 meters) up above the streets. Comes bad weather, thoses cubes can move inside the building for stabilisation safety. A tickling feeling to stand in there and look down! The Three Teenagers love it and take lots of pictures.
We go home to our suburban shelter and I wonder, what the kids will remember from Chicago....
TWOsome in Chicago part one
Freitag, 13. August 2010
Day One: What a wonderful idea, this check-in the night before. Saves you trouble the day you travel, makes it easy to move - and lets you sleep in late because your mind thinks it's already vacation time! Which is, but we got to go THERE first. SHE is waking me exactly 30 minutes before we wanted to take the bus to go to the airport - thank god I put some extra time into this timetable as well! The meticiously planned 2-h-clean-up in the morning is done in 15 minutes. We will see, what ends up dying by itself in the fridge or elsewhere in the kitchen while we're gone (no, not the kitty, that one is in her luxury hotel. And no, not the turtles, they spent holiday with their breeder, family ties, you know...).
Donnerstag, 12. August 2010
Day Zero: Packing. As we travel first from one possible private housing to the next before ending up in hotels we can pack light, washers and dryers should be around the first two weeks. And - heaven, yes! - the US$ is sooo low (remind me of that later), we can actually consider going SHOPPING! For back-to-school-stuff or so. So we take one empty suitcase and stuff it with a full one. The fullest as ist turns out. SHE takes the whole bathroom with her (remember, SHE is 15), pretending she can't live without that thing, that straightens her hair. No check on HIS bag. Thats embarassing for a 13year-old. It looks quite empty. Boys don't need anything, they can go with one T-Shirt for three weeks. And No3? Doing fine (better check those, ME didn't....).