Yes, its travelling day. ME and The Three Teenagers leave Chicago. We get a most comfortable lift to the aiport after a heartbraking goodbye from now OUR friend. More heartbraking goodbye at the airport, we check in United, The Three Teenagers and me. And then we wait. And wait. Very Chicago-eske there is a delay due to weather. More Tornado (it was actually a tornado warning the night before, I got corrected, not a hurricane. Sorry, ME not used to THAT kind of natures wonders!). Waiting for take off wouldn't be so bad if we would be still at the gate. But here we sit in an airplane, surprisingly spacy for an airbus this time, but still. Still and still. The engine is turned off and we can watch from the midget windows how the weather is coming towards us. No3 is asking for the umptiest time, if a lightning can affect the plane. Even though I have learned about the Faraday Cage, I'm suddenly not so sure anymore. This looks awsome! ME and the Three Teenagers survived, the plane got not hit. With two hours delay we take off for Houston.
Of course its late now, my school time friend picks us up. The Three Teenagers scream for Joy: She drives a pick up! How much more texan can this get! It's pitch dark outside so ME and The Three Teenagers don't see where we are going. Direction is north-west. Trinity/Groveton Area, Lake Livingston to be precise. The Three Teenagers fall asleep on the way, ME and friend already get carried away in once-upon-a-times and do-you-remembers.
90 Minutes later we get to see our new beds for the following three nights: In a luxury Class A huge motor home (now how is that for a lady camper!!!)! 

But the first thing we are introduced to after meeting husband and the dogs crowd (4) is Mary. Mary got caught just short before we arrived. Her live was saved just for information, so we get to see, what NOT to touch...Respect.
ME and The Three Teenagers sleep well in our motor home anyway. Very quite, completely in natur, just the sound of some crickets in the hot texan air. Howdy!
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