Day three is supposed to be that day during any travel, when you finally adjust and feel that you arrived. The Three Teenagers do that with sleeping in incredibly late. Whenever they do so they wake up having grown a few inches. If you freeze them at night that might slow down the growing process - is that, why airconditions are so incredibly COLD all over the United States? It uses up so much energy, everybody is complaining. Somebody should sum up how much energy could be saved, if everybody turns up the thermometer only 5F! Its probably a six figure sum that could be saved every single airconditioned day in America.
But some stuff has changed. Finally they do recycle! There are different garbage cans outside the house for different Things: Glas, Plastic and paper go in one for recycling, garden garbage in another one and then there is the original one. That at least is going into the right direction. And was pleased to see lots of Hybrid Cars already on the road. Seems to be in fashion to drive one, thats good news.
For The Three Teenagers I have good news as well: No sightseeing today, we attend the local pool. Now that is a very special adventure, because we actually WALK there. Four blocks. That is completely crazy for this suburb. Those kids used to DRIVE to High School one and a half blocks down the street....
Nice little pool, that Lufkin Park Pool. I ask for special rules, the guy at the entrance says no, no special rules. Well, here we go, The Three Teenagers are definately used to OTHER rules, as it turns out. No food or drinking even some yards away from the pool. Only at - and here ME learns a new word - designated concession area. No, I don't have to buy a concession for eating and drinking, we just have to go in a fenced part of the pool area to take a sip out of our water bottle. Aha.
There is a water slide. You have to slide in the water, get out only to the left, no swimming to the right. And certainly not jumping, screaming, running etc. Swimming, that's okay. We manage one hour, than it's much too boring and we WALK home. The Three Teenagers are crabby, because they have too much energy left, that plan failed.
Rest of the day is visiting a new baby and eating lots of djunk food. Sorry, it wasn't supposed to be junk, it was introduced as one of the most fashionable places where you can eat, so much choice, fancy order system, very nice. It's just a different more complicated way of making burgers and fries, obviously very fresh, but still much too fat, much too much, much too fat dripping. The Three Teenagers love it of course.
We go home, stuffed and happy. Last night at this friends house. You know the saying: Company and fish stink after three days....
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