After a very american breakfast (will they EVER be int
roduced to real good coffee taste? This one is su
pposed to be very good, strong starbucks competitor, b
ut hey, it doesn't really deserve the name COFFEE...) with lots of cereal and some fruit we ta
ke off from this real nice subu
rb heading downtown. I
remeber very good when those years ago the skyline of Chicago came in sight. A beautiful
sight - how will The Three Teenagers react? We
ll, they've seen other impressive
things in their lives, a skyline doesn't hit the fan in t
he 21 century....
But driving through the city does. You know this street

where you drive underneath t
he train viadukt? Was scenerie for various movies and The Three Teenagers are thrilled
to recognize it (where The Blues Brothers get bombed at in front of a hotel?). We leave the car in a parking garage
and walk. And walk. And walk. Magnificent Mile, actually Michigan Av. Park. Finally o
ur sightseeing point N01: Navy Pier. Used to be en enlarged wharf type thing with some
food stands. Now turned into a tourist attraction amusement
park type thing. I remember Chcago Fest, music for almost two weeks non stop along tha
t long navy pier, I even got to see Frank Sinatra there (yes, it HAS been that long ago...). W
e have lunch there (mexican) and take a Chicago Water Taxi to sightseeing point No2: Sears Tower, mind me, changed into
Willis Tower now. On the way we pass a filmset fo
r "Transformers 3" (watch the trailer from Chicago, we were there!).
Going up Sears/Willi's used to be walking into the hallway, enter an elevator and go up t
o the plattform. It now has its own entrance, cost a fortune and leads you through a history tour, then the elevator a
nd up to a souvenir shop with windows to look down on Chicago. Still the most
wonderful view on the Lake Michican I can ever imagine. The architects added a new gadet: drive out glas cubes
You actually stand 103 stories (ap 400 meters) up above the streets. Comes bad weather, thoses cubes can move inside the building for stabilisation safety. A tickling feeling to stand in there and look down! The Three Teenagers love it and take lots of pictures.
We go home to our suburban shelter and I wonder, what the kids will remember from Chicago....
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